Meet Mrs.Hogan

Welcome. I am one of three Graphic Arts and Printing instructors here at William M. Davies, Jr. Career and Technical High School.  My content area focuses on teaching students how to successfully design for print. Under my tutelage students learn the industry standard practices that are currently found in the Graphic Communications Industry.  I possess over ten years of industry experience that I apply to my classroom everyday. In today's market technology is constantly changing. To keep my students up-to-date I must also stay up-to-date. My promise to my students is to never stop learning. I take pride in being a life-long-learner and hope that my students will too.

For My Students

We will be using Google Drive during class to access assignments, collaborate, and upload assignments. 
Please follow the below steps to set up your account.

Creating Your Account
Please create a class gmail account that includes your last name and first initial. You may have to add another character or two if your name is taken. Once you have created a gmail account please go to your Drive and Create a new Folder named your Last Name First Initial (ex. HoganR). Then share that folder with me. This is where you will upload all your assignments for grading.

Accessing Class Assignment Folder
Find your class link below to access assignments throughout the year. This is where all your Theory and Shop assignments will be stored for you to view. This is a View Only folder so you can not edit any of these documents.

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